GAP EnviroMicrobial Services can help you determine the chemical dosage requirements for your wastewater treatment process.
Peracetic Acid (PAA) Jar Testing
Peracetic acid, or peroxyacetic acid, is also commonly called PAA. This chemical disinfectant has recently been gaining popularity as an alternative to other chemical disinfectants for wastewater treatment to meet microbial discharge permit limits. GAP can perform jar testing analysis on your water to help determine the PAA dose required to obtain microbial discharge requirements for your specific application.
Chlorine Jar Testing
Using jar test analysis, GAP can determine the dose required to obtain a wastewater discharge within microbial requirements for your specific application.
Breakpoint Chlorination Determination
Breakpoint chlorination is the process where water has had sufficient chlorine added to meet the demand of the water, leaving a free chlorine residual available for optimal disinfection potential and destroying combined chlorine compounds. The chlorine demand of the water can be affected by its organic and inorganic content. Application of chlorine above this breakpoint provides the most efficient disinfection of the water while maintaining low levels of chloramines, which are responsible for the "chlorine odor," provide slow disinfection, and are ineffective in the disinfection of viruses. If chlorine is added below the breakpoint, ammonia is not destroyed, and remains as bound compounds which can be toxic to aquatic life. Above the breakpoint the bound ammonia compounds are fully broken down and nitrogen is allowed to off-gas. Breakpoint chlorination has also been found to effectively control algae and slime growth and oxidize iron and magnesium. One way to determine the chlorine breakpoint is through testing at a laboratory and GAP EnviroMicrobial Services can help you determine what chlorine dose is required to meet this breakpoint to allow for optimal treatment of your water or wastewater.